Prayer Tablets

Mail in your prayer

Send in your prayer(s) and we will offer them to Kami upon our altar. They will be hung up on the hooks throughout the month of January, then placed inside the offertory box where our sensei will continue praying with you throughout the rest of the year.


  1. Go to a quiet spot (in nature/outside if possible)

  2. Close eyes, breathe deeply until calm. Become aware of each breath that gives you life and give thanks

  3. Make and write/draw your prayers, apologies, and requests to the Spirit of the Universe

  4. Cut out (we will punch out the hole) and mail to:

    Attn: Hatsumode, Konko Church of Portland, 1330 SE 92nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97216

  5. Include email address if you would like a photo of your prayer offered upon the altar

    Thank you for your prayers!

Electronic Prayer Submission

You should not think that you must make a request for an important matter, or that you do not need to make a request for a trivial matter.

Kami makes no distinction between important and trivial matters.
You have to receive Kami’s blessings for everything.
— Book of Teachings III Jinkyu Kyogoroku 167 1, 2